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Membership Documents
and Information

Becoming a member is easy!  Fill out the online Membership Application and then print the liability form, making sure all riders are listed on both forms. You can either mail that with payment to "RCC Saddle Club, PO Box 636, Rye, CO 81069" or give your form and payment to an officer or board member. An invoice will be emailed to those who wish to pay their dues online. 




Family Membership: Member + Spouse and/or dependants (must be 18 or under and living in the same house to be considered a dependant) – $50.00


Individual Adult Membership:  Adult 19 years of age or older – $35.00


Individual Youth Membership: Child 18 years of age or under that is not in a family membership – $25.00 


All Age Definitions are as of January 1st of the current year.

Dues cannot be prorated. The full amount must be paid for all or part of a year.



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